2015 was a big year for our family. Our life was ever changed by the presence of one little human being. One beautiful, special human being that I cannot get enough of. Technically she was born in 2014, but this past year was a whirlwind of new experiences and firsts for us all. We celebrated so many achievements and milestones and embraced our tiny baby as she developed throughout the year to a toddler, a toddler I say. Baby Lo’s birth marked a spiritual awakening in me and I felt my heart grow so much bigger and my love for God so much stronger. From the moment she was placed in my arms and I was declared a “Mom,” I felt this immediate connection to God, unlike anything before. Knowing she is a gift from him and I chosen to be her Mom filled me with this overwhelming feeling of gratefulness. With my family before me and Lo in my arms, we both were baptized this year. It was a commitment we made as individuals and as a family.VIEW STORY »
Best of the Best in 2015
Wow, how are we prepping for Old Man Time to walk out of the room and the New Year Baby to come wobbling in? Please tell me I am not the only one who has visions of such a cartoon scenario in their head when they think of New Year’s Eve. Anyone?
2015 has been a wild year for me on so many levels. Focusing solely on this Blog though, I want to take a moment and say, THANK YOU. I love that random people stop me in the grocery store and say, “I love your Blog,” or that friends from my past have connected with me through this blog and motherhood and private message me words of encouragement, and I love that I have readers! That I can go to the stats page and see what people enjoy. Again, thank you!
I said it once before and I will say it again, this blog is pure therapy for me. I love it and I love having you along for this journey. Here is a recap of what you loved in 2015. My Top 10 Blog Posts of the year. Did one of your favorites make the list?
#10 – Rocking Cinderella

#9 – Introducing Sadie Days Designs

#8 – This Is How God Works

#7 – The first 6 weeks of Motherhood, let’s be real

Sales Alert: Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale
It is Nordstrom’s Annual Half Yearly Sale, which means if any energy and/or money is left from the holiday season, you are are probably perusing the sale items. And, sale items there are. From North Face to Philosophy and Kendra Scott to Michael Kors, so many great fashion finds, so many great deals. If only my bank account was much larger for me to buy for myself. Sigh!
I think next holiday season I may just tell the hubby to wait and let me fill my cart during the sale.
Here is what I am eyeing up.
Nordstrom – Half-yearly sale (prices as marked) + free shipping & free returns on all orders. Ends 1/3/2016.
1 – Canvas Zip Pouch – 11.98 | 2 – Abbyy Boot – 112.46 | 3 – Kate Spade Leather Strap Watch – 134.98 | 4 – Jessica Simpson Sandal – 43.73 | 5 – Kendra Scott Earrings – 55.00 | 6 – Long Sleeve – 46.80 | 7 – Stripe Sweater – 52.80 | 8 – Philosophy Pink Marshmallow – 20.25
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2015 Holiday Gift Guide for Her
You know what kind of girl I am? I am the set my alarm at 4 am to hit the stores on Black Friday kind of girl. Yep! The “what was I thinking?” when the alarm goes off at 3:00 am, but, as soon as I get that first coffee in, it is like I am off to the races.
I don’t head out for AMAZING deals. I don’t head out to wait in long lines for the “must have” door busters. Instead, I think it is all about the act of tradition that we (me and my shopping buddies) love.
Links. Likes. Loves.
Columbus Day Sales Alerts
In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue looking for the perfect Fall Flannel, jewels and shoes!
I refuse to get into the Columbus Day debate on the Blog. Don’t know what I am talking about? Just Google Columbus Day and you will see. Instead, I plan on discussing the Columbus Day holiday for the pure fact that many retail stores mark the three-day weekend with sales, which there are many! Here is a roundup of great sales from my favorite retailers.
Get Your Shop On – Labor Day Sales
Happy Labor Day, folks!
If you have a clingy baby who is into pulling hair, screaming at the sight of strangers and becoming a daredevil who jumps at the chance to lunge herself out of her stroller (no seriously) then you are not shopping! Nope, you’re not.
So, thank you digital shopping cart! I can even buy those earrings and jeans on my cell phone as a dash across the room to save her from putting that piece of dirt that is invisible to the adult eye but baby radar vision can pick-up up on and place in mouth. I mean seriously we just mastered tray to mouth baby puff food eating, how in the heck she finds pieces of food, dirt, fuzz, etc is beyond me.
Likes. Links. Loves.
Cheers to the weekend! You know what I am looking forward to? I am looking forward to napping. I know, I am lame. If you saw my post earlier this week, you know we are transitioning Baby Lo to her crib. Therefore, Momma Bear is just not sleeping. Partly because of worry and partly because Baby Lo needs soothed back to sleep a bit. Is it bad of me to say that I am so looking forward to her morning nap which may produce an extra hour of shut eye for me? I can tell you think I am so very daring and interesting these days.
Here are this week’s top Links. Likes. Loves.
- Do you suffer from F.S.O. – Freezing Summer Office? I know I do. In fact, the first thing I do is crank that baby of an office heater on when I enter for the day.
- Nordstrom Anniversary Sale – Oh, shiz nitch! If you have NOT heard about this sale you must live under a pile of clothes. Oh, I crack myself up! Every fashion Blogger and their mother, father, and second cousin are sharing their fabulous fashion finds. Go get you some.
- Stop Making These 15 Body Language Mistakes – I am the Queen of the arm cross. Must. Break. Habit!
- Weird Advice Pregnant Couples Get – BEST video I have seen in a long while. Been there and am still laughing. Heads over your head! My Mom once yelled at me for this when we were shopping and I reached up to pull a shirt down.
- Sweet Baby Girl Sees Clearly For The First Time – Videos like this make me smile and feel so happy. It is incredible the good that does exist in this world and how small victories have huge impacts. It also makes me so incredibly grateful and thankful to God for all his blessings.
- 100 Years of Fashion in Under 2 Minutes – I was born for 1965… no wait, I am cool with 2015.
- Should Women Really Be Rushing Back To Work After Giving Birth? This is a hot topic for me. I never truly appreciated Maternity Leave, nor have I been so disappointed in the system until I had to experience the benefits and the downfalls. We live in an amazing country, yet we are so behind in appreciating and valuing childbirth and the physical and emotional needs of baby and mother during the first year.
- Six Person Sandless Beach Towel – Where the hell were you when I need you a few weeks ago? Reference to this.
- When a Bride and Groom Share a Kiss and Lift Their Hands – I am not sure if this is real. Part of me thinks it is all a gimick. Regardless I do LOVE that Grandma just says, heck to it all and exits the church at around 1:32.
- Back To School! If I was a teenager, I would be begging for these. Yes, I am a dork!
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Links. Likes. Love
This week has been crazy!! So, crazy that I ended that last sentence with two exclamation points. I am so looking forward to the weekend and not really having anything on our agendas. I am thinking it will be a great weekend to get up early, stop by the local bakery for some homemade doughnuts (they make ones with an icing dipped in chocolate chips and I am all like, “get in my belly!”), grab a coffee and take Baby Lo for a morning stroll. To me this little scenario sounds just too perfect.
Some of my favorite Blogs that I follow have this one thing in common. They share some of their favorite links from the week in a post going into the weekend. Since imitation is the highest form of flattery I decided to give it a try and see where it goes.
- A baby, a Mom and a Professor. This story happened and I can’t help but think the world would be better if we didn’t draw lines in the sand.
- This craziness happened this week and I just get so excited to watch things unfold.
- Dadbod… yeah it is a thing and then this article came along and the skies opened and everyone was like, “Ahhhhh!”
- I stumbled across this Etsy Shop. I seriously could get lost for days on Etsy. One click leads to another. I am eyeing up this shirt for Baby Lo and this headband!
- I can be a germaphobe. There I admitted it. This little invention for a pacifier. Genius! I am buying one, no, five!
- If you only click through to one of these, PICK ME! This video sums it up, Mommas. “Why it Sucks to be a Working Mom in America.”
- I pronounced a name wrong this week in a meeting. I so, needed this article on what to do after you screw up professionally.
- I am hoping to attempt this craft project this weekend. I have had all the supplies for weeks!
- I am loving this dress by Zara. It just speaks to me. It says, “Meet me where the waves meet the sand!”
- This gave me the biggest smile. We take so much for granted in life. These people are hearing for the first time and their emotions are beautiful.
Have a beautiful weekend!
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Wednesday Wisdom
It’s back. Wednesday Wisdom coming at ya’.
There is a quote that my Dad often says to me in times of chaos, stress or anxiety. You may have heard it before. It is pretty famous.
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” – Reinhold Niebuhr
You know you would think after all these years that I would know that when I turn to him out of worry or just to vent he would repeat the words above. I mean he is a man of few words to begin with so I don’t know why I expect more. Worry and stress never seem to fleet me and yet instead of learning my lesson and just saying those words in my head, because you know, I have them memorized, I still find myself turning to him. Maybe the comfort just exists in hearing his voice say the words. Yeah, that is it. I am going to go with that.
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