I know, it is no longer New Year’s eve or day. And with that, I also understand that resolutions and self-proclamations of what the changing year means to me or what I will set forth practicing are now a few days late.
Given the content of this post, you may think it was intentional for me to share these thoughts with you after the fact, but I can assure you that it was not the case.
The reality is, it actually makes me quite sad to see the pressure we put on ourselves just because it is a new year.
Yes, the new year can symbolize a fresh start and clean slate, but it can also create extreme strain to make ourselves better for the wrong reasons. And that stresses me out more than not having a resolution.
Speaking of resolutions, I don’t have one, and I have not practiced having one for many years. Instead, my perspective has shifted on setting intentions. Gone are the days of creating a resolution for the sake of one and failing miserably by mid-January. I like intentions because they are by definition a plan. Things will change, just as plans do. The idea is that I will focus on change in a kind and loving way, which allows me the grace in case I fail along the way.
This year my intentions are as follows:
- Be kinder. Maybe it is picking up a coffee for the person next to me in line, or in the manner in which I communicate with my children. It could be taking a moment and making a conscious effort to comment positively on a post someone shared on their social media or trying to practice empathy when dealing with others.
- Listen to the God whispers. Have you ever had a nagging to do something for a stranger? Or possibly compliment the person sitting next to you at an appointment? Or maybe there is a constant calling that keeps you awake at night or may even be the thing that nudges you out of bed each morning. I call these God whispers and I want to make an effort to listen intently and act responsibly.
- Simplify. We accumulate stuff in all aspects of our life. My closets are full of things. I have old purses that need to be cleaned. My email has over 300+ unread emails. I follow way too many people on my social media that don’t bring value or joy to my day. All of this stuff is unnecessary noise. I want to clear the clutter and strip myself of all the junk that weighs me down.
- Stop putting myself last. How can we be our best to others if we are not our best for ourselves? I say this intent with the least amount of selfishness one possibly can. I need to start listening to my body and relax when it calls me to. I need to start feeling my emotions and taking a moment to breathe and meditate when I feel overwhelmed. I need to make my passions more of a priority so I can experience the joys that make me happy. I need to allow myself the grace to feel like I am as important as those I care for.
- Start living. I know that sounds strange to read because it felt odd to write but ever since becoming a mom all I have done is go, go, go. For years I have been on the move, bouncing from one thing to the next, feeling the need to accomplish a task and then set my mind on what is next. I want to slow down and live. I need to stop cramming my life into the weekends which makes them extra busy and crazy. I want to put the phone down, slow down, and focus my head and attention to the present, living in the moment, and enjoying the beauty of life.
May God bless you all in 2020, and may you each take a moment to embrace this natural season of change with less pressure and more grace.