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Hey, friends. How
*This post includes affiliate links, which means I may make a small commission off of your clicks and purchases. It is an easy way for you to support my blog.
Hey, friends. How
*This post includes affiliate links, which means I may make a small commission off of your clicks and purchases. It is an easy way for you to support my blog.
Hello, friends. It has been a while, and even when I did find myself here last year writing on the Blog, most of my posts were sporadic. Apparently having a second baby in your thirties, while working full-time, and managing a toddler… beat me down. Clearly, it wore me thin.
They just don’t make bodies like they use to. 🙂
We have been home for almost three weeks now since our second child’s birth and a million ideas have run through my mind on things to share – Things You Should Know About a C-Section, My Favorite Third Trimester Items, Top Breastfeeding Must Haves, and so much more. These thoughts usually hit me in the middle of a nighttime feeding, or as I stand over our stove boiling bottles for the 100th time, or when I am tracking how many poops and pees in a 24-hour period, but then it ends there.
Hopefully, I will find the time to share my experiences on the Blog, but the reality is learning to juggle two has been a bit more challenging than I expected, so I take one day at a time. Scratch that! More like hour by hour.
Today I challenged myself to share the items you need in your hospital bag because let’s face it, that bag will be one of the most important bags you pack in your life.
Two nights before our son was born, I was in Labor and Delivery. I was sure I was having a baby that night. I was 37 weeks and needless to say, I hadn’t packed my bag, which was just silly considering our daughter was born at 37 and a half weeks. I should have known better.
We rushed around the home throwing things into my bag, a bag for our daughter who was going to my mom’s home, and a diaper bag for our second born. Once we were sent home, and those bags brought in, I took the next 48-hours to unpack those chaotic bags and really, truly think about what I needed and to pack our bags.
Thank goodness, because our son came two nights later.