It is no secret. I commute. I think I have shared and whined about it a few times on here. Nearly an hour each way, two hours per day, at least 10 hours per week. It is equivalent to traveling to my favorite beach in South Caroline, once a week. Eek! Let’s not even talk about the miles or wear that I put on my car each year. But hey that is what cars are for right? To drive.
When people find out I commute the number one response I hear is, “I bet you love the time to decompress and be alone?” Eh! Actually, I am quite the opposite. I am a pit of anxiety. So, on the way to work, I worry and stress about everything I must accomplish in the day, the meeting I am dreading or the obstacle I must face. On the way home, I create a custom list in my mind of my next phase of to-dos for the day. So, basically, the commute just adds to my worry and stress.VIEW STORY »