The loot. You know what I am talking about? The mounds (not literally Mounds candy – no one likes them) of sweets, overflowing from your child’s Halloween bowl. Hopefully, it is still there. I say hopefully, because 1) I hope there was some control over your children just feeding themselves off the candy complete strangers shoved in their bags and 2) I hope you had the self control to not eat it all after they went to bed. I on the other hand, cannot stop. Starburts and Kit Kats are kind of my jam right now and I do not know why.
So, you have a lot left. I get it! The fact is you don’t want it lying there in a glass bowl cluttering your counter for weeks at a time, and you also don’t want it starring at you, mentally yelling “EAT Me!” Here are some tips on how to get to rid of your leftover Halloween candy (besides eating it!)
1. Donate It
Homeless shelters and food pantries may take your candy. Bag it up and deliver it to your local drop-off center.
2. Treat Your Co-Workers
Take it into the office for your staff to nibble off of and eat. Just be certain you can stay away!
3. Send To The Troops
Click Here to learn more about Operation Gratitude. You can even Search for a local participating drop-off center near you.
4. Bake With It
There are so many great dessert recipes on Pinterest that provide great ideas for Halloween leftover candy. I am eyeing up This and This.
5. Save It For The Holidays
Planning on making a Gingerbread House? Well, well you have all the Gingerbread House decorating details you could ever need. Just place some of that candy aside for the upcoming holidays.
6. Use It For Crafts
Candy Corn and M&M’s are ideal for some of these. How adorable is the Candy Corn Turkey for Thanksgiving or the Christmas Ornament?
7. Play With It
Play with the candy? Right… No, but I am for reals. There are some cute ideas out there. For example, the Candy Memory Game or the Skittles Science Experiment.
8. Save For An Upcoming Birthday
Pinata anyone? Seriously!! Know someone with a November or December birthday? Load that unicorn up with all your Halloween leftovers. No one will ever know.
I would love to hear from you? How do you get rid of all of that Halloween candy, besides eating it? And, yes, I agree, thank goodness for Pinterest.
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