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Hey, friends. How
*This post includes affiliate links, which means I may make a small commission off of your clicks and purchases. It is an easy way for you to support my blog.
Hey, friends. How
In case you missed it, I am pregnant, and in case you really missed it, I shared this post yesterday testing out popular Old Wives Tales that are used to predict the gender.
I remember when I was pregnant with Lo I swore she was a boy. It was just my intuition, and then every darn one of these Old Wives Tales pointed me to a majority report that she was also a boy. So when we hosted our family at our home for a gender reveal in which we learned the sex of our baby alongside our family, I was shocked when pink balloons came out of the box we opened.
Well, the verdict is in for baby number two and by the verdict, I mean the sonogram tech who asked us, “Do you want to know the sex of the baby?” To which we responded, “YES!”
Drumroll please…
It is a Boy!
Yes, we learned this week that we will be having a son. It was a super emotional moment that we shared as a family, including Logan. This time we opted to find out with the tech actually verbalizing the sex versus last time when the tech wrote the sex on a piece of paper for our reveal party. When I was pregnant with Lo, the tech wrote, “It looks like a girl” on our printed sonogram. Not, it is a girl. So this set me into a panic for the next few months as I obsessed over the word, “looks.”
Lo has so far taken the idea of a brother well even though she was certain and excited for a sister.
The news also goes against most of the tested Old Wives Tales I shared, as a majority pointed to a girl.
We are super blessed for this life God has given us and grateful for the next journey.
If you missed our little family’s BIG news, no worries, that is what direct links are for. See here, or, just read along.
Clearly based on this post we are having another baby and super excited to grow our family.
The first trimester brought a lot of toilet hugging, food aversions, crankiness, and tiredness, while the second trimester has brought my appetite back, creative dressing (as the belly is growing much quicker than with first), charlie horses at night, and night waking. One other addition the second trimester has provided, another glimpse at baby number two and the sex identity.
And, while we plan to announce soon, I thought I would have some fun with Old Wive’s Tales that are typically used for gender prediction. I thought it would be fun to see how these obsessed over predictions truly stack up to the ultrasound tech’s version of Baby W 2.0 (that is what I am calling it.)
So, let’s have some fun!
Carrying the Baby: Low is a Boy | High is a Girl – Winner: Girl
Heartbeat: Lower than 140 is a Boy | Higher than 140 is a Girl – Winner: Girl
Cravings: Salty is a Boy | Sweet is a Girl – Winner: Girl
Skin: Clear skin is a Boy | Acne breakouts is a Girl – Winner: Boy
Morning Sickness: Not a lot is a Boy | A lot is a Girl – Winner: Girl
Moodiness: Smiles and happy is a Boy | Moody is a Girl – Winner: Girl
Side You Sleep On: Prefers the left side is a Boy | Prefers the right side is a Girl – Winner: Girl
Protein: Craves meat and cheese is a Boy | Doesn’t crave meat and cheese is a Girl – Winner: Boy
Headaches: Yes is a Boy | No is a Girl – Winner: Boy
Heartburn: No is a Boy | Yes is a Girl – Winner: Girl
Swollen Ankles: Yes is a Boy | No is a Girl – Winner: Boy
Dad’s Weight: Stays the same is a Boy | Gains is a Girl – Winner: Boy
Chinese Calendar: Winner: Girl
Mayan Gender Prediction Test: Winner: Boy
Total Tally: 8 for Girl and 6 for Boy.
Only time and a sonogram will tell. Stay tuned… announcement coming soon.
The reality is setting in.
My little lady is going to be one. ONE.
I have been counting down her birthday all week. Mostly, referring to the last days of the week I have my “infant.” I am feeling so incredibly emotional over the thought that my baby girl will soon hit a milestone and launch herself into a new category. The toddler category.
I love that this Blog has become a breeding ground for Mommy (and Daddy) peers and I to question our sanity and offer words of encouragement.
Months prior, a Mommy Friend secretly reached out to me and asked if she could share a “little secret” and then proceeded to gift me with the knowledge of her pregnancy, which at the time was “shhh!” She had yet to make an announcement but felt comfortable enough sharing with me because she found comfort in my Blog. I think it was this One. It was one of the first moments since I started the Blog that I felt good about what I was doing because my ultimate goal has been to generate discussion, become a source of relation and develop connections.
Since then, her little secret became a big announcement, and now her announcement a sweet little baby girl! Congrats, again!
I tend to be a horrible photographer. Actually, I should just not use the words “I” or “photographer” in the same sentence unless I am saying, “I am hiring a photographer.” But, as I was flipping through my phone’s images, I came across the one above which I took last week.
You see on the left is my grandmother, Meema, my sweet baby girl and my Mom. As I was behind the lens, four generations of women are interconnected in this shot. I am in love. My heart is full. It is a picture that I know I will forever cherish.VIEW STORY »
This is a simple post.
Do you have moments you live for or moments when you quietly think, “Ahhh, this is life”?
It is just you and me and the sunshine streaming into your nursery window. We rock. I hum and feed you your morning bottle. After a burp, the binkie goes in and I turn some Avett Brothers music on. Wrap you tightly, pull you close, and we rock some more. Every now and then your eyes lock with mine and they light up and you smile so softly as I sing you the words. Once you fall asleep in my arms the whole world feels so incredibly peaceful. The house is absolutely still and quiet except for our music and rocking.
This is my moment.
I have come to realize that I work hard all week for this very moment. My weekdays are countdowns to my weekends at home with you. If I could imagine what heaven would feel like, this is it.
This is my moment and it is always with you.
Do you have a favorite moment that you live for? A simple moment that matters the most. Share in the comments below!
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