Well this weekend we sighed heavy, smiled and realized we have an 11 month old. Where in the heck did the last few months of time go? 11 months has ushered in an ornery side to her personality. She actually understands some of our verbal cues and giggles, scowls and even mocks us now. Oh, boy, our hands are full!
As we near her first birthday and Christmas, I find myself scouring the web late at night, after she has long gone to bed, for gift ideas.
I am a firm believer in quality over quantity when it comes to toys. Now, I know that very statement is going to earn me some eye rolls, especially from some of Baby Lo’s relatives who hear me whine about not wanting a living room full of bits and pieces of random toys.
Tiny house = tiny toy box, Baby Lo. Sorry about your luck! HaHa. Just kidding. Well sort of.
So, if you find yourself with a baby (okay, I know she is an infant and soon toddler – what!) on your Christmas List, that is nearing or around 1-year’s old, please consider some of my top picks.