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Hey, friends. I am all about a great theme. Like I am down for the whole presentation and packaged deal. Maybe it is all in my own head or my weird fascination with order, but I love creating a gift that seems well-thought out.
To give you an idea of what the heck I am talking about, I am that person who will spend two weeks creating a gift basket for a wedding or baby shower. Yes, I probably skipped your registry, but you can bet that cooler packed with outdoor gear, or that farmhouse box stuffed with every item a hostess would need, made me happy as I put it together for you.
I am also that person who drags out Christmas shopping because I feel like gifts should make sense together. I am not a willy nilly like, oh I will grab this and that. Nope! There needs to be a theme. It is maddening.
So for my fellow OCD’ers (is that a word?), I feel your need for some
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