As previously shared on the Backwards N High Heels Facebook Page.

And on the eighth day, God looked down on this planned family and said, “I need to widen this circle of love.”
So God made your brother.
“I need someone who will make them remember what it is like to lose sleep. To remind them that life still exists in the wee hours. That the world continues to spin and people need and depend on you even when the time may not feel convenient. That magic does still exist at 4 am, even if it wakes your slumber.”
So God made your brother.
God said, “I need someone who will divert attention, create additional needs, and push little buttons. Someone who will one day knock over the Barbie Dream House and take Skipper hostage. Who will disagree when it is your night to pick the dinner location, but then find his way to snuggle in beside you when you get home and put your pjs on. Someone who you will boss around, bicker with, and love and protect all at the same time.”
So God made your brother.
“I need someone who will give you a partner through life. A forever friend. A constant in an inconsistent world. Someone who you can text one day to complain about how much your Mom is on your case over college grades, or you can beg and bribe to keep a secret from Dad. A person who will understand your hopes, fears, and emotions because they most likely reflect his too.”
So God made your brother.
God said, “I need someone you can make memories with. Catching lightening bugs on summer nights, collecting in one or the other’s room Christmas morning to ambush your parents to see the tree, building play forts with pillows and sheets, and fighting over arm space on long car rides to the beach. Someone to share your childhood and grow through life with.”
So God made your brother.
God looked at you and said, “Why, she is so small but her heart is so big, so I need someone who will fill the little void she has been longing for. Someone who will be so new yet feel like a long lost friend. Someone who will teach you that you have so much love in this world to give. Someone who will one day realize what a great gift you equally were to him.”
So God made your brother.
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