The day you were born, I was 9 days shy of turning 16 myself. And today, as a mother, I look back and think, “How in the world did our Mom and Dad do it?”
Their oldest was worrying about what new jeans she would get from American Eagle for back-to-school attire, her impending Meet The Squad cheerleading performance, if and when she would be getting a car to go alongside her soon to be issued license, and how she was going to convince her tired (scratch that – exhausted) parents that even though a new baby was brought home, she really needed to go out with her friends for the weekend.
Meanwhile, there was this sweet new baby, fresh life, at home sleeping through the day and requiring feedings through the night.
I swear they had to look at me, then at you, back to me, back to you, and think, “Here we go again.” Or, maybe it was a “Dear Lord of all things mighty, what did we do!” I doubt it was the last one.
But you were the caboose. The last baby. The missing puzzle piece to our family. My first, and well-wished for sister. The plural to Mom and Dad being able to say they have daughters.
And now you are 16.
I swear I don’t know how it happened. (The whole you turning 16 part.) If I close my eyes really hard I swear I can catch glimpses of you through the years of your youth.
The happy, bashful baby who would bury her head in my shoulder when excited after bouncing on my knees. The cuddly toddler who would by nightfall, nuzzle into my arms, finding her spot, to sleep. The little girl who inherited my box full of Barbies and giddily played in the middle of the living room floor bringing a new life to old toys. The shy middle schooler who earned her right of passage by battling the awkward phases, while keeping a lot to herself as she gauged her way through the halls and her world.
And now you are 16 and a beautiful young lady who stands before me.
Time moves fast. It can be so unforgiving and so unkind. Especially when you turn around one day and realize what just passed before your very eyes. Time brings mommas and daddies to their knees to cry. Become a mother one day and you too will realize this precious gift called time, which leaves you longing for a day to end yet begging for it to be given back. And, leave it to big sisters too, for time makes us a little weepy eyed as well.
Watching you grow up seemed like we had forever and yet now you are 16.
In fact, I swore we had forever, promise me we still have forever. I swore you would never grow up, promise me you won’t grow up. I swore you would always be my baby, promise me you will always be my baby.
And now that you are 16 know how much you bring to my life, to our lives. Know that you are a blessing to this world. Know that you have this same world before you and can do anything you set yourself up to do. Know that you can believe in yourself more than others believe in you. Know that you have a team of people who love you and are cheering you on. Know that just because you are now 16, we need you as much today as the day you were born.
Happy Birthday, Livvy Lou, I still cannot believe it, but happy sweet 16.
She is beautiful just like her big sister and her momma!!! Happy sweet 16, sweet Alyvia! I have a picture of your mom on the floor of the Beall cafeteria and needed help up just a few days before Miss A was born–helping me, I’m sure! I promise I won’t share. Love you!
She is beautiful just like her big sister and her momma!!! Happy sweet 16, sweet Alyvia! I have a picture of your mom on the floor of the Beall cafeteria and needed help up just a few days before Miss A was born–helping me, I’m sure! I promise I won’t share. One question—-where did you get that gorgeous cake!!!!??? Love you!