Happy post-Easter! Hopefully everyone had a beautiful holiday celebrating the most Holy holiday. We had a great and busy weekend full of celebrations. My mother-in-laws birthday fell on Saturday so we enjoyed dinner, a sunset four-wheeler ride and nighttime glow-in-the-dark egg hunt.
Our little family began Easter Sunday on my husband’s family’s farm, which for the past four years has been the site of our church’s sunrise service. I did not take any pictures because I felt it would be frowned upon during the service and afterwards, well I was just too excited to get us back home to Lo that I hurried us off the farm. We knew we wanted to attend the service but were a little unsure of Lo’s attention span. Of course Easter morning Lo decided to try something out – sleep in, so we had to wake her, add a coat over her pajamas and head out the door with a blanket and bottle in hand. Thank goodness Nathan’s sister, brother-in-law and three kids came in for the holiday and offered to watch Lo while we headed onto the farm for the 40-minute service.
When we picked her up she was cruising the farm field on a four-wheeler in her PJ’s just loving life.No she was not driving. I did make it sound like that though. When she saw us, she jumped off and ran to our car, grabbing at the handle and asking to go. Someone was excited for the Bunny.
Our day consisted of a morning basket hunt (video of Lo finding hers is on my Facebook Page), breakfast on the back deck, a quick morning nap (not us, her) and then off to my grandparents for brunch. A massive 100 egg hunt awaited and after a few hours of filling our bellies we headed to a nearby restaurant for “dinner” with Nathan’s family. I quote dinner because I was too full to eat but did not turn down the cocktail with eight kids under eight running in and out. One stop to my parents for gifts and you can now see why Nathan and I never take one second to get a cute family photo of us during any holiday. Nope! Instead it is just – go, go, go!
Other highlights from the festivities:
+ The Bunny (as in me) nibbled on two uncooked carrots Saturday night and placed on a plate on the dining room table for Lo. You know, the whole atmosphere and story to build on the fact that the Easter Bunny came. First, Lo could have cared less and second, I think Nathan actually thought for a second that a rabbit did come to our home.
+ Lo loves hiding eggs. I am not really sure why I even worried or bought anything else this Easter as we spent a great deal of time hiding and finding $1 plastic bag eggs. It got so ridiculous, I would say, “Hide your eyes,” and she would count as I spilled the basket through the house and then yelled back, “Ready.” Seriously, it never got old. Who knew?
+ I knew my daughter loved candy so I was mindful of the amount I bought and placed in her basket. It consisted of two Nerds on a Rope, two Reese’s Eggs, one Chocolate Ball, Jelly Bellies and a Ring Pop. When she found her basket she screamed – “Candy!” One day after, all that remains is one Nerd on a Rope. She also only consumed the bottom side of a butter roll and a few bites of pasta all day, but give her the sour patch kids and chocolate and she was always ready for a handful.
+ I am really not a ham fan! Can we opt for turkey next year or homemade lasagna? Can we do an Italian Easter spread?
+ Did I mention I have a professional egg hunter now on my hands? Like seriously. She won’t stop with the eggs.
+ Due to the excessive head down looking for eggs, Lo generated a new bruise on the forehead above the eye as a result of walking into a wall.
+ Building a fire and creating Peep S’Mores – Win!
+ I have decided the official tale of an Easter Bunny does not universally exist. Sure, I guess I could Google the story, but I think I will just pass.
Hope you all had a beautiful holiday, rejoiced and spent time with family and friends. Much love.
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