It is the last day of February! Hard to believe that we are heading into March, but to be honest, I am looking forward to the flip of the calendar as we enter a new month. We are one step closer to Spring… one step closer to temperatures above freezing… one step closer to not having to scrape car windows… one step closer to busting out flip flops! Man, I miss those flip flops.
If you have been following my Blog, you know that I am a New Mommy. We hit the 10 week old mark today which translates to – “Mommy, is starting to get the hang of this thing.” With that comes some new found personal time to start pampering myself again. Even if pampering means a 10 minute shower and 10 minutes of quiet, peaceful bathroom time alone to focus on me. I will take what I can get!
1 – Well-Rested Face and Eye Brightener – I strategically made this favorite item #1 on my list. I mean the name speaks for itself. A 24-hour span goes something like this… (starting at 8 pm) feed baby, put baby to bed, do some dishes,check baby, lay out items for work, check on baby, pack baby’s diaper bag for sitter, check on baby, brush teeth, check on baby, go to bed myself, wake up because baby cooed or made a new sound in sleep, back to sleep, wake up to crying baby, change baby, feed baby, put baby back to bed, lay awake staring at ceiling worrying about something, fall asleep, wake up to baby crying, change baby, feed baby, debate whether to go back to bed or just get up for the day, get up for the day, leave for work, work, multiple calls and texts checking on baby, lunch, work, drive home, pick-up baby, cuddle baby, feed baby, put baby down for nap, eat part of dinner until baby wakes, feed baby, change baby, bath baby, cuddle time and REPEAT. Yes… there are bags under my eyes! This product is amazing.
2 – Bed Head Colour Goddess Oil Infused Shampoo – The first and foremost reason I love this product is simply due to its scent. It oozes sweet caramel and I melt. My hair has never been smoother and it leaves a great shine. But again, back to its scent… while it is made for your hair, I have been tempted just to use as a body wash, because it smells that good!
3 – C.O. Bigelow – Vanillamint Supreme – I am a sucker for lip gloss. Always have been and probably always will be. I have never been a lipstick kind of girl. I feel most comfortable with a balm and if I am feeling extra fancy just give me the gloss. This product provides great lip moisturizer, includes a breath freshener and leaves a great walk-out-the-door, I really am trying, shine.
4 – Mary Kay Oil-Free Makeup Remover – Add this to a cotton ball, give your face and eyelids a few swipes and you have yourself a shiny clean face. I will admit I was a go to bed in makeup kind of girl, until I was introduced to Mary Kay’s Makeup Remover. I think I may have even heard my pores screaming when I would use a wet wash cloth and body bar soap to scrub away the daily grime. Thankfully those were my old ways. Plus, this product is hypoallergenic and great for those with sensitive skin.
5 – Essie’s Miss Fancy Pants – This is such a chic color and it reminds me of Spring. Essie while pricier than most nail polishes is just a better nail polish quality. It always lasts longer on my nails. Also, if you are currently pregnant, Essie is considered a “safe” nail polish to use. So, schedule that pedicure! And, to all, if you are looking for a good laugh… do yourself a favor and read this Buzzfeed article, One Man’s Attempt To Guess Nail Polish Names. It will leave you chuckling out loud and in tears.
Happy February!
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I love that shade of nail polish! Good choice 🙂 x
Thank you!! It goes great with just about everything.
Love your favorites, especially obsessed with Essie’s Fancy Pants. xo
Thanks so much. I am all about simple these days.