As February comes to an end, I thought I would try something new on the Blog. As humans and consumers, the #1 form of advertising for any business, through the history of marketing is three little words… word of mouth. It will always be king! Why? Because people value the opinions of their family, friends and peers over an advertiser. In fact, studies show that 90% of consumers trust peers while only 14% trust the advertiser.
So, trust me, people! 🙂 These are my Favorite Things for February and stop right there… I know you are visualizing Oprah right now screaming to an audience of equal screamers, “You get a car, You get a car and You get a car.” It is not that kind of Favorite Things. Wish it was but I don’t have a show… yet!

- Mason Jar Pomelo Lime Candle – It is heavenly! Seriously, go buy now! It claims to burn up to 20 hours (I haven’t got through mine yet) but I am wishing I picked up a few more. This little dandy is just $12.99 from Target and is perfect for Spring’s pending arrival. Any day now, any day now…
- This is a three-in-one but they compliment each other so nicely. Organix Coconut Milk Shampoo, Conditioner and Anti-Breakage Serum. I was never a real big shampoo or conditioner snob. I mean you are just washing your hair, right? Well that was before I started to dye my hair. Seriously, I was 26 years old before I ever had my hair dyed professionally (I say that because in Middle School my Mom tried to give me highlights but they really didn’t take). Anyways the Ombre approach can really do some serious damage to your hair. Believe me, I have learned. So, I was on a mission to find a product that actually provided some benefits to my hair – hydration, softness and shine. Now I am a shampoo snob! I really don’t want to deflect from these products. Some conditioners I have found weigh my hair down, but not the Organix. It really nourishes my hair and leaves it super smooth. Finally, my new BFF – the Anti-Breakage Serum. Again, because the tips of my hair started to get brittle and dry from dying, I gave this product a try and it really helped. I started it after I had some bad split ends but mostly noticed its power after my last cut and break from dying. It is great at prevention. I purchased mine at Rite-Aid – $7.99 each.
- Burt’s Bees Lip Shine (Whisper) – No lipstick for me. I am a lip gloss kind of gal. It seems like whenever I go to a make-up or drug store, I always pick-up a new lip gloss. This time the market (aka – Grocery Store to me) got me. I love Burt’s Bees as a brand, but this was the first I had tried their Lip Shine. 100% natural and made with apricot wax and sunflower seed oil, it softens your lips and adds a gloss without being sticky. I also love that it gives the same benefits of chapstick, but has color, so my Hubby won’t steal from me. I purchased at Martin’s for $5.50.
- Blue Diamond Almonds – You know we well by now… let’s chat food! I am really trying to be a much healthier eater these days. Maybe you noticed from some of my Food Posts? Anyways, I am slightly obsessed with the Blue Diamond Flavored Almonds. I have tried Strawberry, Blueberry and the Caramel Macchiato flavors. So far, Blueberry is in the lead. These are such a great healthy snack, as long as you are disciplined enough to PUT THE BAG DOWN! I purchased at Martin’s for $2.99.
- My last favorite thing cannot be purchased. They say nothing in life is free, right? Well this one, sorta of kind of is, until you actually pay for the item, but the service itself is free and so very cool. I kind of love that it is a start-up with not a lot of traction yet, but believe me, this baby is going to grow into a full fledged teenager very, very soon. Meet – Rack It Up. So, imagine any other online shopping day (or at least it is the case for me) you are on one of your favorite retailer’s websites and see some items that you got to have, problem is price. Maybe you just can’t splurge on the item right now. So, you check back for the item to go on sale or sign up for the company’s emails only to realize you are so busy you never open the company’s email and you missed the sale. Problem solved with Rack it up. You can actually set when you are notified too! You can choose when the item goes on sale, or when it drops to a certain price or percentage. Then Rack It Up does all the work and you get an alert when that item goes on sale. Allowing you free time to continue to shop online… I mean do your daily work and chores.
*This is not a sponsored post. I have purchased each of these items on my own and provided a review based on my personal experience.
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