I met Deanna in college. She was the beautiful, charismatic, popular girl with the infectious smile. The other cool thing about Deanna, she was warm and welcoming. Folks, now that is one great package of characteristics not a lot of people can boast.
I went through a bit of a “what am I going to do with my life?” crisis during my early college years. Maybe you can relate? I had aspirations of being an architect and if I had followed that route I probably would have never met so many wonderful people, including Deanna. After one semester in college I decided to change career focuses and well, the rest is history!
What people may not know about me is that I was a double major in college. Studying both Mass Communications and Theatre. I had fun. No, actually I had a blast. Some of the absolute best years of my life.
Looking back, the fondest memories were spent in the hallways of the Performing Arts Center. I met the most fascinating, creative people. One being, Deanna. She was super talented and she does not know this but during those years, I looked up to her in so many ways.
Here we are in “Urinetown,” the musical. Deanna is the pretty girl in pink, the lead named Hope and I was the pregnant, homeless women with missing teeth, Soupy Sue (hint: I am in a purple sweater. note: I wore a pregnant belly not actually pregnant).
The fun though transpired into nights out on the town, parties on Bowery Street and oh, Theatre kids throw the best parties from end of show cast parties to celebrating just about any holiday you can make up. And, with that said, those pictures will forever remain hidden from Baby Lo.
But, like all good things that must come to an end, so did the days of college. Deanna graduated one year ahead of me. I remember pulling over at her rental on Bowery Street, running in, giving her a hug goodbye as she and her parents gathered the last of her belongings.
Thank god though for social media as we have stayed in touch over the years.
Deanna is now married and juggling this little thing called motherhood. She and her husband welcomed their sweet, beautiful baby girl, Sadie into this world about a year ago. The Deanna I know from college was always a passionate soul, so I was not surprised when she announced on Facebook that she had started a new business… Sadie Days Designs. The MOST adorable accessories, leather bows. Adorable. There, I will say it again. And, she was so kind to send me a package for my sweet Baby Lo.
I must note, being in the Marketing / Sales world, her packaging, spot on! You go, girl. I was giddy before I even saw the bows. She also sent the perfect color palette for my little Baby Lo. It was like she read my mind on what I would have chosen.
Deanna told me she kept seeing leather bows on Instagram and thought, “How cute would Sadie look in these?” And, then she thought, “I could totally make these!” Deanna took an old purse that she had not used in years, cut it up and made her first bow. No surprise to me because I already mentioned how talented Deanna is and creative too, geez! It actually was her husband who encouraged her to invest time into making and selling bows on Etsy.
Deanna shared that the reason for choosing leather in her bows was because she wanted something that would be appealing to a lot of style types. You know, compliment any outfit. “Leather can be dressed up or dressed down. It’s not a super frilly girly material which is so ‘Sadie Rose’ (my little lady),” said Deanna.
And, now some pictures of my little lady dawning these darling bows!
You can purchase each bow with an alligator clip, or if your little sweets has thin to little hair or you would rather a headband, a nylon hairband is available. Baby Lo has had her fair share of headbands and bows and most she down right hates. Usually tears ensue when I place one on her head, but because of Sadie Days Designs’ soft lightweight nylon, she barely notices when I place them on her head. Deanna is right too when she explains just how versatile these bows are. I love how the same bow can work with a dress or everyday lounge wear.
Plus, Deanna continues to grow her Etsy Store. Her leather bows are available in multiple colors, cuts such as Buttercup, Classic Knot, Ribbon and even the Halloween themed Bat Wing. Seriously? Are they not the cutest? Little boys can even get in on the bow action with Deanna’s adorable Bow Ties.
Deanna, when do you sleep, girl?
Since she is a new Mommy herself and so much of my Blog revolves around motherhood and parenting, I asked her – Any advice you would like to give new Mommies?
Of course, her answer was so the “Deanna,” I remember – “I think the only thing I can say is, as a Mama, you know your baby best. Advice is always nice but all babies are not the same so what works for one might not work for another. You know what’s best and what works for your little one and your family as a whole. Don’t doubt yourself. You’re awesome!”
No, Deanna, you are awesome!! Thank you so much for being an infectious person and for sharing your craft with us all. Deanna is sharing an Exclusive Offer with my Blog readers. Enter SADIE15 to get 15% off your order from now until midnight on 10/24/2015.
Sadie Days Designs – etsy store || facebook
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Sadie Days Designs sent me the bows featured in the post as a gift.
What a beautiful testimony to a friendship I know Deanna holds just as dear to her heart as you have explained here. She is a little sister I look up to even more now seeing her thrive as a new Mama and a new-found business venturer! Thank you for your kind words as so many people Deanna know feel the same way about her! Sadie Days Designs reflects her personality as well as her lust for all things Awesome! The whole of your blog is wonderfully written & a joy to encounter as a new mom myself! I’ll definitely be back to enjoy your posts!!
Nadine – Thank you for stopping by little corner of the web and supporting Deanna! So very happy for her. I love seeing people thrive in life in many ways – personally or professionally. She is a superwoman! Glad you enjoy the Blog and congratulations on Motherhood. It is such a powerful and beautiful thing. Thank you.