Well we made it folks… halfway through the work week. It was a big and rough week for me as I returned to the workforce after my Maternity Leave. Was it hard? Absolutely! Have I cried? Well, was Vanilla Ice a one-hit-wonder?
Yes! Of course. I cried! A lot.
The worst part was the days leading up to my return. The best way to describe it is as follows… imagine an amazing vacation, a vacation in paradise, the perfect vacation, a vacation you dreamed about and waited so long for. Now imagine the last day of that perfect world. You know that feeling? The dreaded countdown. This is our last night, last lunch, last sunset, last day without a care in the world… until we return next year. Now take that thought and multiple it by 100. No, maybe 200. Dramatic? Nah! The gut wrenching pain is real.
I have found comfort in quotes through multiple points in my life. Whether it has been times of happiness or pain; quotes have provided me with the eloquent words I wish I could say. So, it was no exception that as I struggled with my emotions, I found myself searching the Internet (I told you I was a Professional Googler – See Here) for something to grasp and make me feel better.
It is amazingly simple but therapeutic, so I thought I would share some that stuck out to me this week as I searched for the right things to think or say. I call this post Wednesday Wisdom. I do not plan on doing this every week, but here and there on Wednesdays when the urge calls. Hopefully, one of these will resonate with you. And, maybe, just maybe it will be the simple thing you need to get through anything that may be nagging at you.
Have a great week, friends!
Let this post be a feel good post. If you have a favorite quote you have found this week or one that you live by, please share below.
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lovely post Alicia!
I’ve nominated you for the versatile blogger award! good luck, the rules and all the details are up on my blog royallyrouge.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/the-versatile-blogger-award.html
Love & Hugs
Frances xoxo
*lovely post, from alicia